S.A. Khusainova, A.F. Khusainov
Analysis of the Flora Growing near Railway Lines within the Iglino Station (The Bashkir Branch of Kuibyshev Railroad)
The studied flora growing near railway lines in the Iglino station includes 213 species. Hemicryptophytes and therophytes are prevailing vital forms. The share of adventive species is 34,2% of the flora that determines the degree of its synanthropization. Among the adventive species the role of neophyte is high. In the floras phytosociological spectrum the species of synanthropic classes Chenopodietea, Secalietea, orders Onopordetalia acanthii and Artemisietalia class Artemisietea vulgaris, as well as species of some natural vegetation classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-Brometea are dominated.
Key words: flora, railway lines, apophyte, adventive species, synanthropization, cenoflora.