E.V. Uskornikova
The Altai Party Elite at the End of the 50s of the ХХth Сentury
This article is about party elite in Altai in the 50s of the ХХth century. Based on the facts of the regional party conferences one can mark out quality and quantity of the elite, analyze its structure. According to the author secretaries, chairmen, heads of the departments and their deputies in the party structures and administrative bodies at the regional, district and municipal level can be related to the party elite.
Having examined the sources one can characterize an average representative of the party elite at the given time.
The author comes to a conclusion that the image of the party head has considerably changed in comparison with the previous decade: he has become younger and more qualified (with special and political education) that undoubtedly has influenced on the political state of the region.
Key words: party elite, secretary, chairmen, head of the department, party structures, administrative bodies, sex, age, nationality, education, length of party membership.