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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-2(68) 2010
Political Science

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A.A. Kovalev

Field Researches on Chemurchek Barrows in Mongolia and Kazakhstan as a Basis to Solve the Problem of the Origin of the Chemurchek Cultural Phenomenon

The paper is devoted to the problem of the origin of the Chemurchek cutural phenomenon, represented by a group of original types of burial constructions and burial goods, which appeared in the foothills of Mongolian Altai at least a middle III thousand B.C. The efforts of the International Central-Asian Archaeological Expedition yielded a detailed data on the peculiarities of architecture of Chemurchek barrows and considerable supplement to the today known collection of Chemurchek’ stone and ceramic vessels. These data give evidence that Chemurchek funerary rite, the shapes of vessels and the style of stone statues originate directly from the cultural traditions of population of South France of 3000-2700 years B.C.: those are "Angevin" dolmens, chambered tombs with dry stone side-walls from the Low Rhone basin, pottery of the Ferrieres culture, stone statues from Gard and of Sion-Aoste type.
Key words: Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Early Bronze period, Middle and Late Neolithic periods (France), Chemurchek cultural phenomenon, Ferrieres culture, megaliths.

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