А.V. Bashkatova
The Genesis and Development of Non-Formal Up-Brining in Tomsk Province in the Late XIXth - Early XXth Centuries
Non-formal up-brining in Tomsk Province as a whole in Russia came at the end of XIX century in the form of circles, clubs, workshops, day shelters for children, summer holiday camps, colonies, etc. These institutions were created by progressive Russian educators and the public, who set themselves different objectives, above all, promote the spiritual and patriotic and physical education of children, strengthen and maintain their health. The first Russian children's organization "comic" and "scouts" have proliferated in the Tomsk Province. Wide range of activities launched in Tomsk "Society for the physical development" of Dr. V.S. Pirussky, who played a significant role in popularizing bases of the correct physical and moral education and childcare among the population.
Key words: non-formal up-brining, Tomsk Province, public organizations.