Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3(55)  2007

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- E.V. Karepina, V.D. Kiselyov, N.V. Pleshkova
The Dependence of the Levels of Aggression, Aggressiveness and Hemodynamic Indexes from the Phases of Moon Cycles in a Group of Junior Teenage Age
143 schoolchildren, including 66 boys, 77 girls were inspected. The frequency of indexes of girls and boys aggression and aggressiveness a more different during the phases of the New Moon and the Full Moon, and the indexes of hemodynamics, measured in calm condition, are more different during the phases of the Growing and Waning Moon. Different indexes of hemodynamics of boys and girls are connected with the activity of the Moon. Similarity is observed only in the indexes of common peripheral resistance, measured before hard work. On the whole, boys have fewer authentic connections with Moon activity, than girls.