Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3(33)  2004

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- T.V. Korchagina, O.O. Mikheeva, I.V. Palchikova, V.D. Kiselyov, O.V. Filatova, N.G. Horev
Dependence of psychometric and clinic laboratory exponents on moon phase and level of sun activity
It was found that women have got weak liner correlation of sensitivity (r = 0,248) and fear because of childbirth (r = 0,415) with the level of sun activity in the day of investigation daring the period 1#15 days before child birth. Correlative analysis revealed that emotional stability (on 33%) and normal behavior (on 26%) are determined by the level of san activity, whereas the rest of the indicators on 24#67% are determined by the level of sun activity during period from 1#7 days before investigation. In most cases psychometric indicators on 22#63% are determined by the day of the moon cycle. During the period of new moon the number of childbirths comes to nought, of childbirths are registered out on the second day past the new moon, than we can register exponential lowering till 12 day (90% from maximum in the new moon day) and recession to the eighteenth day (to 10%-level) with the exponential rising to the maximum to the twenty sixth days of the moon cycle.
As for men exacerbation of thrombangiitic obliterans took place after the new moon and the food moon. It was found that the number of leucocytes on 11% are determined by the sun activity, while the majority of clinic-laboratory indexes on 18#100% pre-determined by the level of the sun activity on 1#7 day before the investigation. The most of these indexes have determinated by the day of the moon cycle on 7#99%.