English Russian
Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 1(27) 2003
Mathematics and Computer Science
New Educational Technologies
Mathematics and Computer Science

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N.U. Anufrieva

The control of medical service's quality is one of the main functions of the medical information systems

In the article the main problems appearing in the process of controlling of medical service's quality, which are characterized by properties of effectiveness, the volume of resources and the timeliness are considered in the article. The criterion of effectiveness of medical care for the work of a separated service, realized in a medical establishment is suggested. It is shown, that the creation of a full-scale system, used for the control of medical service's quality is impossible without a developed information system of an establishment.

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