Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3(17)  2000

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- N.V. Moshcenskaya, I.V. Deryabina, E.I. Perov
Synthesis of chalcogenides of molybdenum, wolfram and vanadium in liquid n-alkanes
The sulfides and selenides of molybdenum, wolfram and vanadium are synthesized by the interaction of molybdates, wolfromates and vanadates of ammonium and sulfur, selenium in liquid n-alkanes. The influence of the temperature, time and the nature of alkanes to the yield of the products is studied. The composition of sulfides and selenides of molybdenum, wolfram and vanadium are determined by the X-ray and chemical analysis MoS2,80, WS2,81, MoSe2,47, WSe2,41, V2S5, V2S3, V2Se5, V2Se3 respectively. The interaction of reagents be the result of the consecutive replace oxygen of oxosalts metals by sulfur and selenium: MeO3 --> MeO2X --> MeOX2 --> MeX3, where Х-S, Se. A yield of the product, which is formed in liquid n-alkanes is 68-94 %. The thermal analysis of the sulfides and selenides of molybdenum, wolfram, which is formed in liquid n-al
kanes and water is carried out.