Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(1)  1996

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- S.D. Kozlov, S.V. Dronov
On the generating sequences for s-classes and p-classes
Countable unions and intersections of set-definable classes (sd-classes) play an important role in the alternative set theory. They are called s and p-classes respectively. Let AE-formula be true on such a class X. By definition, there exists a generating sequence for X, consisting of sd-classes. Our results give an answer to a question of possibility of construction of this sequence in such a way, that for each member of it a similar formula is true.
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Dronov Sergei Vadimovich Candidate of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Mathematical Analysis, the Altai State University. E-mail:
Kozlov Sergei Dmitrievich Candidate of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Algebra and Mathematical Logic, the Altai State University.
Obraztsova Tamara Sergeevna Junior Lecturer of the Chair of Differential Equations, the Altai State University.
Zhuravlyova E. N. Post-graduate, the Altai State University .
Algazin Gennadii Ivanovich Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics of the Altai State University. |