Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(1)  1996

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- B.P. Ovechkin, I.A. Biryukov, V.I. Beregovoi, A.I. Kamyshnikov, V.L. Mironov
Problems of integration of town telecommunications' systems
The construction of integrative telecommunications'network is to be performed in tree stages. The first stage is the intensification and reconstruction of the present telecommunications'system. The second stage is the installation of radioequipment into the present telecommunications' system. The third stage is the construction of highway network on the basis of optic fibrous combinations, which will be the foundation of town telecommunications'system.
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Beregovoi Vitalii Ivanovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Prorector of Informatization, the Altai State Technical University.
Mironov Valeri Leonidovich Doctor of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Scientific Academy, Rector of the Altai State University. E-mail:
Ovechkin Boris Petrovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Informatics, Head of the Computer Net Laboratory, the Altai State University. |