3(91) 2016
S.I. Davydov, M.A. Neymark
In Memory of Veniamin Konstantinovich Gavlo
The article is devoted to the outstanding scientist, Doctor of Law, Professor Veniamin Konstantinovich Gavlo who is well known in Russia and abroad. The article considers the main stages of his life and his career as a talented teacher, the founder of the scientific school, a lawyer, the head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Altai State University. Special emphasis is given to his training at the Faculty of Law and Economics in Tomsk State University which formed and manifested his best personal qualities: an active position in life, the pursuit of new knowledge, creative approach to solving any issues and an increased interest in the problems of forensic science and investigative practices. Special study is given to the periods of his becoming a scientist: defending his dissertation of the Candidate of History (1969), and later his dissertation of the Doctor of History (1988) at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The research underlines his role in the development of classical legal education in Altai. Since 1973, his scientific and pedagogical activity was associated with Altai State University; more than 30 years he was the head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics. The article represents the research results of V.K. Gavlo and his students, describes his activity as the initiator of a number of scientific conferences and publication of collections of scientific works papers. Special emphasis is given to the professionalism, devotion to science and fine human qualities of V.K. Gavlo.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-31
Key words: professor V.K. Gavlo, way of life, a talented teacher, a scientific school, the head of the department, research results, Altai State University
Full text at PDF, 771Kb. Language: Russian. DAVYDOV S.I.