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Izvestiya of Altai State
University Journal
The News of Altai State University

 Архив журнала «Известия АлтГУ», начиная с 2017 г., размещен на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru
 Актуальная информация о журнале размещена на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru

Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
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Table of Contents
Legal science
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E.S. Anichkin, N.V. Bryukhanova, K.E. Kovalenko

The Main Sources of Law in the Assessment of the Regulatory Impact of Normative Legal Acts

The aim of the regulatory impact assessment is to identify projects of normative legal acts of the provisions introducing excessive duties, prohibitions and restrictions to the rights of subjects. The article analyzes the legal and regulatory framework and methodological support of the regulatory impact assessment procedures in Russia at federal and regional levels. Analysis of normative legal provision of the process of regulatory impact assessment suggests the adequacy of the regulatory provision at the federal level, a low level of maintenance at the regional level and the general low level of methodological support of assessment, both at the federal and regional levels. The adoption of normative legal acts only without sufficient methodical support hinders the use of regulatory impact assessment, and reduces the quality of the assessment and further examination of normative legal acts. While introducing the regulatory impact assessment at the regional (in the future at the municipal) level it is recommended not only to take appropriate legal acts at the level of the Russian Federation, but also to provide further methodological and expert support in the process. It is advisable to create the technique, a unified system of evaluation and metrics (indicators), according to which it is possible not only to analyze the effectiveness of regulation in a particular area, but also to carry out a comparative evaluation of the regulation in the context of the RF subjects, which will broadcast the best experience and practices to other regions, improving the quality of public administration and the effectiveness of regulatory measures.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-02

Key words: sustainable development, regulatory impact assessment, public administration, regulatory effects

Full text at PDF, 683Kb. Language: Russian.

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: anichkin@email.asu.ru

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: bnv-30@ngs.ru

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: kovalenko1288@mail.ru


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