4-1(88) 2015
Yu.N. Tsyryapkina
Resettled Community in the Syrdarya Region of Turkestan in the Reports of the Tsarist Administration at the Beginning of the XXth Century
The article is aimed to characterize the main features of adaptation of migrants in the Syrdarya region of Turkestan, which was documented in the reports of the tsarist administration at the beginning of the XXth century. At the beginning of the XXth century Commissions of A.A. Kaufman in 1903, N. Gavrilov in 1910 and senatorial inspection of Earl K.K. Palen in 1908 were sent to Turkestan. According to the results of these Commissions, reports about the conditions of the resettlement in Turkestan were published. Based on the findings of the Commission and correspondence of Russian Turkestan administrators at the beginning of the XXth century, the article highlights the most important aspects of the resettlement, which include: the problem of land and water resources in the region, the issue about unauthorized migrants, and the difficulty of providing spiritual and moral inquiries, irrigation of Turkestan. In the reports of the tsarist administration officials stated that tsarist migrants violate the land border much more often than indigenous population. Imperial and Turkestan managers recognized the difficulties caused by resettlement of Russian peasant population, and sought to resolve them in the interests of resettles and indigenous people.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-46
Key words: migrants, colonization, Turkestan, land question, indigenous population, inspection
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