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Izvestiya of Altai State
University Journal
The News of Altai State University

 Архив журнала «Известия АлтГУ», начиная с 2017 г., размещен на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru
 Актуальная информация о журнале размещена на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru

Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Table of Contents
Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences
Philological Sciences and Arts
Phylosophical, Sociological Sciences and Cultural Studies
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I.A. Ralnikova, V.G. Zalewski

Time Warp Representations of Persons Sentenced to Imprisonment

The article offers a scientific opinion on the interpretation of event “imprisonment” as a turning point in a person’s life; presents the understanding of the watershed events of life from the perspective of psychological analysis as events requiring a global restructuring of the person and his life-world, as a psychological new growth generated by the system “person” in the present, which determines the shape of the future, thereby restructures the human way of life and the parameters of his life. The description is given to time warp representations of persons sentenced to imprisonment, objectifying themselves in such phenomena as “the narrowing of transspective view of life”, “the violation of the temporal integrity of representations of lifetime”, “the negative past”, “the event of the emptiness in the present”, “the amorphous future”. The understanding of these phenomena allows one to see the violation of the integrity in subjective picture of the life path of the convicted, the weak connections of temporal modes, a tendency to a negative estimation of the events of the past, which in the light of present and future events have lost their meaning, as well as the psychological absence of the present, the indifference to selfstructuring of the personal future.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-12

Key words: systematic psychological anthropology, psychological time, correctional psychology, watershed event, deformation of understanding of the way of life

Full text at PDF, 455Kb. Language: Russian.

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: irinaralnikova@yandex.ru

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: salevsky@mail.ru


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