2-1(86) 2015 LEGAL SCIENCE
S.E. Voronin, V.M. Seleznev, M.E. Chervyakov
Forensic Deteсtion and Removal of Dust Footprints
Human footprints traditionally belong to objects that contain a significant amount of forensically important information. Footprints remain at the crime scene of one in three crimes. However, in the total amount of the traces of crime found at the crime scene the share of footprints is not big. This is largely due to the physical properties of footprints themselves, looking just like a thin layer of dust on the surface of the object (dust footprints). Early detection and removal of dust footprints for further study represents an important forensic task. In this regard, the authors of this article have examined the way of dust footprints formation, have named their varieties are disclosed rules and general sequence of actions to detect footprints at the crime scene. The paper provides an overview of existing and promising techniques of detection and removal of dust footprints. Particular attention is paid to the problem of detecting footprints of dust on the surfaces made up of different fibers. It is suggested making greater use of the method of latent dust footsteps detection by the electrified areas on pile fabrics. To identify areas on which the foot was in contact with the floor covering, it is recommended to use laser techniques. Using the example of Russia-manufactured forensic device “POS-T1”, high resolution of electrostatic method of detection and removal of dust footprints has been shown.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)2.1-04
Key words: dust footprints, slot light sources, surface to copy footprints, hologram, electrostatic method, “POS-T1” device
Full text at PDF, 299Kb. Language: Russian. VORONIN S.E.