2-1(86) 2015 LEGAL SCIENCE
R.M. Abyzov, I.N. Zavarykin
Victimization in the Genesis of Rape
This article analyzes the victimization of rape victims, its classification based on its persistence and nature, and its effect on the criminal situation genesis. This behavior causes the greatest disputes in the professional literature concerning the role of the victim in the genesis of indecent assault. The victim “before” and “in fragrante delicto” can behave positively (not conduce the emergence of criminal intent, try to avoid assault, offer adequate resistance), neutral (not influence the evolution of the situation for objective or subjective reasons), conduce the emergence of criminal intent or even provoke the offender. This research demonstrates that victimization was observed in most examined cases of rape (around 68 per cent). Even though negative aftermath in the form of rape do not always occur, and the offender should be responsible for criminal aforethought and its implementation, but victim’s behavior might greatly affect the genesis of a criminal situation.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)2.1-01
Key words: rape, victims, victimization, genesis of a criminal situation
Full text at PDF, 263Kb. Language: Russian. ABYZOV R.M.