4-2(80) 2013 HISTORY
E. V. Demchik, E. N. Kursakova
On the Issue of the Development of Light Industry Enterprises of the Altai Territory in 1946–1970: The Barnaul Knit Goods Factory Case Study
In the article the authors examine the logistical status of light industry enterprises of the Altai Territory in 1946–1970, carefully consider the issues of raw and auxiliary materials supply, implementation of production indicators at the Barnaul knit goods factory and pay a great deal of attention to such factors of increasing the efficiency of knitwear production as employee suggestion systems, inventive activities and socialist competition. In terms of modern market economy the Soviet system of implementation of work improvement suggestions, inventive incentive, and production competition turned out to be absolutely devaluated. However, all the above mentioned factors can become important instruments of the production development program which helps to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of equipment and technologies and to improve working conditions. Creative initiative proved its efficiency in the production organization not only in planned economy, but in market economy as well. Many countries (Japan, China, etc.) use the experience of the competitive production practice.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2013)4.2-30
Key words: light industry, Altai territory, Barnaul knit goods factory, innovation, socialist competition
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