N.V. Rygalova
The Investigation of the Radial Growth Local Characteristics of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Kasmalinsky and Barnaulsky Belt Forests Using Dotted Transect Method
The research of the radial growth dynamic of Pinus sylvestris L. in the steppe zone of the Kasmalinsky and Barnaulsky belt forests depending on the mesoclimatic and local environmental factors has been carried out. The usage of the dendrochronological, transect, statistical methods allowed us to conduct a comprehensive study of the spatial features of Pinus sylvestris growth (speciesedificator of the forest geosystem). The analysis of the tree rings width chronologies along transect showed a decrease of pine climate sensitivity in the south-eastern direction from the Kasmalinsky belt to the Barnaulsky. In the prevailing western air mass transfer, it indicates the existence of the amortization function of two parallel belt forest geosystem under the influence of exogenous (primarily, climatic) factors through the evolution of the local environment. The established regularity indicates the great environmental sustainability of the Barnaulsky belt forest communities to the climate changing process. The cluster analysis of the tree-ring chronologies revealed the similarities of the pine radial growth in different habitats. The changing of the environmental factors complex, limiting the growth of trees in years with insufficient and excessive moisture of the territory has been found.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2014)3.1-14
Key words: belt forests, radial growth, Pinus sylvestris L., dendrochronology, dotted transect method, cluster analysis
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