L.I. Tikhomirova
Realization of Morphogenetic Potential of Perianth Pipe Iris sibirica L. by Direct Organogenesis
Investigation results of morphogenetic potential of perianth pipe of some cultivars I. sibirica by direct organogenesis are presented there. Morphogenesis peculiarities and regenerative activity of the given type of explants are found out. Its noted, that morphogenesis is carried out similar to gemmagenesis and gemmarizogenesis passing by callus formation. Shoots developed de novo formed floral elements at the place of primordium of the first leaves, had typical structure, if it concerns monocotyledonous plants and were of endogenous origin.
Key words: morphogenesis, perianth pipe, floral elements, direct organogenesis, I. sibirica, gemmagenesis, gemmarizogenesis, regeneration.