Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3-1(75)  2012

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- R.I. Vorobyev, I.Zh. Leshchenko, T.V. Vershinina, Ju.Ju. Dorofeev, A.S. Avdeev, K.M. Usolkin, G.G. Sokolova
Possibilities to Define Risk of the Development Cardiovascular Diseases Complications and Diabetes
The risk factors concept is a modern scientifically proved strategy to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Using risk factor assessment methods for forecasting allows one to define a level of total coronary risk, to reveal patients with high risk and to appoint necessary preventive actions. Computer programs which have defined occurrence of fatal, cardiovascular events and diabetes on set of major factors of risk are developed.
Key words: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, factors of risk.