Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3-1(75)  2012

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- E.S. Ananyeva, M.I. Ananyev, V.B. Markin, A.V. Ishkov, V.A. Novozhenov, A.V. Novozhenov, I.S. Larionova
Modification of Epoxy Dian Thermosetting Polymer by Nanomaterials of Various Nature
The structure and physical-mechanical properties of the thermosetting polymer received by hot curing of epoxy resin ED-20 modified by carbon (UDA, UDAG) and oxide (Al2O3) nanomaterials is investigated in the study. For the description of the structure and properties of polymeric nanocomposites it is offered to use principles of fractals-clusters approach. The analysis of dependences of physical-mechanical properties of materials from their fractal dimension applicability shows the opportunity to use multiplication principle to investigated nanocomposite system.
Key words: epoxy resin, nanocomposite, structure and properties of a material, filler, polymeric matrix, fractal dimension, cluster.