Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
4-1(72)  2011

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- A.A Tishkin, Ch. Munkhbayar, S.P. Grushin, D. Erdenebaatar
The Early Bronze Age Monuments from the Valley Buoyant (Mongolian Altai)
The paper characterizes monuments belong to the Early Bronze Age, excavated and investigated near the city Hovd in the valley Buoyant (right tributary of the Kobdo River, Mongolia). The installed original stone constructions including obtained during the excavation materials and the results of radiocarbon dating allowed us to carry out cultural and chronological attribution of the studied archaeological sites and prospects for further research.
Key words: archaeological monument, Early Bronze Age, Mongolian Altai, funeral constructions, funeral building, stone vessel, radiocarbon dating.