Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1-2(69)  2011

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- O.N. Goncharova, О.A. Kondratenko
Deformation of a Viscous Heat Conducting Liquid Layer under Conditions of the Additional Tangential Stresses
In the present paper a three-dimensional non-stationary problem of motion of a layer of a viscous, incompressible, heat-conducting liquid with free boundaries is studied under conditions of weightlessness. The free boundaries are subjected to action of the additional tangential stresses created by an external gas medium and coupled with a time-dependent temperature gradient. The exact solutions characterized a liquid motion and a temperature distribution in a layer are constructed. The conditions, which lead to a various behavior of a free layer, are described. The examples of the constructed solutions allow to investigate the effects of the tangential stresses on the dynamics and heat transfer process in the liquid.
Key words: exact solutions, layer deformation, free boundary, heat-conducting liquid, tangential stresses.