N.N. Seryogin
"Near Barrow" Objects of the Turks Culture (Systematization and Some Aspects of Interpretation)
The stone statues, fences, stels and balbals are traditionally studied when researching ritual buildings of the Turks culture. At the same time there are no any mentions in the science literature that these objects were the part of funeral complexes. The systematization of "near barrow" objects of the Turks culture let to pick up six groups of buildings. The specificity of their disposition and the territorial spreading were emphasized. The author reveals high level of similarity in organization of funeral sacred space and funeral complexes of the Turks culture. This fact let us to consider some aspects of interpretation of the stone fences. The most perspec-tive way is to study the possibilities to correlate some these objects with the kenotafs.
Key words: archaeological monuments, Turks culture, Sayan-Altay region, Mongolia, #near barrow# objects, funeral monuments, funeral buildings, period of Early Middle Ages.