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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 1-1(65) 2010
Management, Computer Facilities and Computer Science
Mathematics and Mechanics

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V.V. Polyakov, A.I. Neimark, G.G. Ustinov, E.V. Petruchno

Different Kinds оf Biomineral Formations in Human Organism and Investigation of Their Element Composition

The article defines the concentration of chemical elements in gallstones, sialoliths, urinary and prostate stones forming in human organism based on raster electronic microscope. The changes in element composition of stones volume are received for the first time. Huge inhomogeneity of chemical elements distributions in volume of biomineral formations is determined. The results or work are of great interest for describing the behaviour of stones under external action. They are also can be used in diagnostics.

Full text at PDF, 1230Kb. Language: russian.

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