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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-2(60) 2008

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P.K. Dashkovskii, A.A. Tishkin

To debatable aspects of study of religious-mythological system of Mountain Altai nomads of Pazyryk time

Analysis of the available data of Altai Pazyryk culture made it possible to confirm that religion of its bearers actually had a syncretic character. An important revealed component was ancient Iranian world outlook complex that included a wide circle of beliefs and notions, which developed in mazdaism as well as in zoroastrism. Probably, we may talk of mazdaism influence in its mitraist variant in reference to #Pazyryk people# religious-mythological system. Besides, we can mark elements of earlier forms of religion - shamanism, widely spread among nations of the world. We should mark that in structural and substantial relation the given component of #Pazyryk people# is identical to the form fixed among Indo-Iranians, in mazdaism and other Iranian religions. #Pazyryk# religion as well as new wave of nomads migration "from west" appeared in its accomplished and designed form in the second half of the VI century B.C. and existed in its invariable form until Khunnu expansion in the end of the III century B.C. Rat
her a stable funeral-burial rite, art peculiarities of Pazyryk culture bearers and vital activity system testifies toit. Further researches in this direction, including use of natural sciences methods, would make it possible to widen our notions of nomads spiritual culture.

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