English Russian
Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-1(56) 2007
Political Economy
Political Economy

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Y.A. Klimuk

Deprivation of the Peasants of the Suffrages as a Method of Policy #Raskulachivanie#

By one of the most widespread methods of policy #raskrestyanivanie#, used by bolshevic government in 1920– beginning 1930 years, was the mass deprivation of the village inhabitants of the suffrages. For the first time question on deprivation of the suffrages as to a measure of social pressure on so-called #of enemies of the people#, to which the part of peasantry concerned also, was put in the Constitution of RSFSR of 1918.
The deprivation of the suffrages of the village population was carried out to two basic attributes. First, for application of hired work, secondly, for operation of agricultural machines. In a basis of definition of a circle of persons of the losing rights, the data given by financial bodies laid. The deprivation of the suffrages of the owner of a facilities automatically ranked to #lishency# all the members of family, financially dependent on him.
The comparison all-union and regional given (forest-steppe of Altai) allows to make a conclusion about the different approaches on the part of local bodies of authority to process of deprivation of the suffrages.
Characteristic feature of process of deprivation of the suffrages was that the disposal of legal proceeding #lishency# was in conducting not of selective commissions, and party and Soviet bodies, assemblies# poor peasants. With the beginning of realization continuous collectivization and transition to policy of liquidation #kulachestvo# as class of their function are transferred specially created #troika# and #pyaterka#.
To a boundary 1920#1930 years the institute of deprivation of the suffrages has accepted mass character, objectively promoted further #raskrestyanivanie# and formation of repressive system of the state. All this has allowed a Stalin mode to proceed to mass reprisals not only concerning the peasants.

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