Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(27)  2003

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- A.A. Lagutin, R.I. Raikin, N.V. Stanovkina, A.G. Tyumentsev
Mass сcomposition of the primary cosmic rays in the energy region 1014 ÷ 1020 eV in anomalous diffusion model
In this paper the results of calculations of the depth of maximum of extensive air showers initiated by different primary nuclei of E = (1014 ÷ 1020) eV, made using CORSIKA v.6.0/QGSjet are presented in comparison with experimental data of Casa-Blanca, Space-Vulcan, Hegra-Airobicc, Fly's Eye, HiRes-MIA and Yakutsk. We show that the mass composition variation of primary cosmic rays, predicted in the framework of the anomalous diffusion model of cosmic rays through fractal interstellar medium, is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental evidences in a whole considered energy range.