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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
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Content of 3(21) 2001

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T.V. Juravleva, O.M. Ulitina, V.D. Kiselev, E.V. Shapetko

Меthodological bases of zoopsychometry

The Pavlovians' doctrine about types higher nervous activity has found the prolongation in operations Eysenk, Kettell and Simonov. On the basis of classical conditionally - reflex techniques with usage of the approaches of the above-mentioned writers the zoopsychological technique for the equines and cats was set up. The moving-alimentary reflexes, social behaviour (animal - animal, animal - man), aggressive, sexual, nutrition behaviour (for the cats and equines), and for the cats were studied in addition to this and territorial, mother, hunting, game, comfortable behaviour. At testing animal used psychometric, ethnological methods and expert rating by the standardised criteria. The given technique allows to test intro- and extraversion, neirotism, psichotism, and also reliance, boldness, aggressiveness, units of species-specific intelligence etc. The mathematical analysis has revealed correlation some of psychological and ethnological characteristics.

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