Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
Special Issue  1999

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- Т.А. Terechina, Т.М. Kopytina, I.A. Mishina, V.G. Miroshkin
Investigation of biological features and capabilities of an acclimatization of some kinds of quarantine weed plants in conditions of Altai territory
In the article the outcomes of two years of research of a biology and possibility acclimatization Acroptylon repens, Cenchrus pauciflorus, Ambrosia trifida, A. artemisifolia, Euphorbia dentata, Bidens pilosa, Sida spinosa. These quarantine species for the first time are experienced in conditions of Altai territory. The information about finds Solanum rostratum, Cuscuta campestris, C. trifolii on Altai territory.