Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(1)  1996

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- R.D. Buguyev, A.V. Kalinin, D.D. Ruder
The research of the structure impactloading solids by the method of polyhedrons Voronoi
In work a problem was posed to use a method of polyhedrons Voronoi for the analysis of a structure of crystal, subjected impact loading, on various stages of process. Polyhedrons Voronois for facecentered tetragonal lattices with casual thermal fluctuations are beforehand investigated. Thus is shown, that a method of polyhedrons Voronoi allows to identify lattices and to determine a degree it tetragonality.The structure impactloading solids is obtained by computer simulation by a method of molecular dynamics. The accounting mesh represented volume as a parallelepiped with a relation of sides 1:1:3, in which are located 640 atoms of argon. The analysis of this structure a method of polyhedrons Voronoi has shown that immediately for front of a shock wave passage of a cubic lattice in tetragonal lattice happens. Is shown that through a time interval equal sec inverse process of a relaxation tetragonal of a lattice in a cubic lattice begins. A velocity of a shock wave is defined which will be not bad agreed an ex
perimental value.
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Ruder David Davidovich Candidate of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Experimental Physics, the Altai State University. |