Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(1)  1996

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- V.L. Mironov, A.I. Kamyshnikov, N.M. Oskorbin, A.V. Maximov, B.P. Ovechkin, A.G. Yurkin
The use of new informations' technologies in higher education, science and culture
The creation of uniform information space of Altai educational and cultural institutions is considered. The main principals of establishing and filling Altai Regional Web with information and formation of editorial staff are set forth.
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Maximov Alexander Vasilyevich Candidate of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Head of the Altai Regional Center of High School Informatization, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Informatics of the Altai State University, Chief of the Computer Publishing Systems Laboratory, the Al E-mail:
Mironov Valeri Leonidovich Doctor of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Scientific Academy, Rector of the Altai State University. E-mail:
Ovechkin Boris Petrovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Informatics, Head of the Computer Net Laboratory, the Altai State University. E-mail:
Oskorbin Nikolai Mikhailovich Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief of the Chair of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, the Altai State University. E-mail:
Yurkin Anatoli Grigoryevich Assistant Professor of the Chair of Informatics, the Altai State University. |