Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1(1)  1996

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- S.A. Beznosyuk, M.S. Beznosyuk, D.A. Mezentsev
Electronic nanotechnology of materials
A model of strong-correlated electron fluid of ordered corpuscular electron systems spreading through interatomic regions inside low-dimensional superfine interfaces and channels in nanostructured materials is investigated by means of the quantum field chemistry method. In order to examine the dependence of the corpuscular electron structural stability on dimensions, cohesive energies of some one- two- and three-dimensional nanostructures are estimated based on the jellium model. The model is illustrated by applications to electron confining inside g-dimensional interfaces and channels in nanostructured materials, such as doped fullerence, multilayers of graphite intercalation compounds, kernels of dislocations, charge transport channels in superconductors, amorphous phase and biochemical membranes.
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Beznosyuk Sergey Alexandrovich Doctor of Sciences (Physics, Mathematics), Professor, Chief of the Chair of Physical Chemistry, the Altai State University.