4(92) 2016
A.G. Gordeev
The Role of the Manager of the Altai Province in the Implementation of the Policy of Anti-Bolshevik Governments in the Period from June 1918 to December 1919
The paper analyzes the activities of the people who took the position of thе Governor of the Altai Province. The study is based on analysis of documents related to the state apparatus of Siberia and the domestic policy pursued by the anti-Bolshevik governments. The article traced the relationship between the nature of the central government in Siberia and management practices in the Altai Province. The dependence is studied between individuals governing the province, their attitude toward the revolution and the means of coercion which they used in their policies. The estimation is made of the overall level of efficiency of the governor during the Civil War time and the destructed state apparatus. The consideration is given to the influence of the situation at the front and the nature of the central government in Siberia on the replacement of people governing the province. The author provides an answer to the question if it was possible to maintain the continuity in the policy within the province in a frequent change of people persons occupying the position of the Governor. In the current domestic political situation we need to study the Russian experience in the interior, including regional policy which we got from the anti- Bolshevik government in Siberia.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)4-06
Key words: civil war, the White movement, the anti-Bolshevik governments, managing the province, Altai province, internal policies
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