4-2(80) 2013 HISTORY
A.A. Vaganov
Museums at Educational Institutions of the Urals (Mid 1800s — Early 1900s)
The change in socio-economic conditions and transformation of the education system in late1800s – early1900s led to the emergence of a large number of museums at schools. In the period, studied by the author, museums began to play an important role in providing educational process with visual aids. Secondary schools such as gymnasium (grammar) schools, non-classical schools, magnet schools possessed the richest museums. In that historical period museums were often referred to as “offices of natural history”. Visual aids usually comprised various rocks, herbaria, industrial products, insect collection, and models for drawing. The Revolution of 1917 led to dissolution of the majority of educational institutions along with their collections. In the period of history studied by the author the development of educational museums went spontaneously and depended on the government's attention to education and the teachers’ effort. There was neither common funding system nor ideological guidance. As a consequence, there was a diversity of museum collections, depending on the type of educational institution. The main mission of these museums was students’ education. However, such museum collections were not always sufficient for adequate education
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2013)4.2-06
Key words: museums, education, collections, visual aids
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