А.Ch. Tyulyush
The Typology of Tuvinians Tribal Tamgas
This article is devoted to the Tuvan tamgas and ascertainment of their typology. Historiographical review was made of the works of different researchers on this subject. The use was made of the field materials of the authors. The articled traces the evolution of tamgas. Special attention is paid to the ethno cultural contacts of the Turkic people of Sayano-Altai represented in the tamga culture. Different typological variants of tribal tamgas were analyzed on the basis of available materials. The article aims to describe, identify features and specifics of tamgas. The novelty lies in the fact that based on the available material the atlempt has been mado to cllassifythem. Furthermore, description is given to the most common tribal tamgas. The author substantiates the idea that Tuvinian tamgas were encountered in various versions and had a considerable diversity. On the basis of studying the typology of Tuvinian tribal tamgas it was ascertained that most of them consisted of two elements: the main tamga with supplementary signs. In conclusion, the article reveals the role and importance of tamgas. It is shown that among the tribal Tuvan tamgas there were found the tamgas similar in their meaning
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.2-35
Key words: birth, tamga, tribal tamgas, khoshun, sumon, line, circle, arc, swastika, legal mark, Sayano-Altai
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