E. E. Petrova, E. V. Reikhert
Effect of Vehicles on the Accumulation of Lead and Zinc in Soils and their Biological Absorption by Soft Wheat (Trticum aestivum) in Roadside Agricultural Lands (in the Alei Zone, Altai Territory)
This article is devoted to the study of the effect of motor transport on the lead and zinc accumulation in soils and their biological absorption by soft wheat in roadside agricultural lands. It is found that the maximum content of lead and zinc is observed in the 50-meter zone at different power traffic. With increasing distance from the roadway, their concentration decreases. The distribution of Zn and Pb in the vegetative and generative organs of plants of spring wheat is also discussed.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2013)3.2-07
Key words: soil, soil pollution, heavy metals, spring wheat, lead, zinc, forms of heavy metal , emissions from motor vehicles, power traffic
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