4-1(88) 2015
B.V. Babarykin
Medical Training at the Kolywano-Voskresensk Mining Factories in the Middle of XVIIIth Century
The article provides a detailed historiographical review of the initial training of medical personnel at the Kolywano-Voskresensk mining factories and points to a number of fundamental inconsistencies in the history of the issue in question. The author reconstructs the process of teaching medical students at the Barnaul hospital considering the academic disciplines, methods and techniques of theoretical and practical training. The article displays the stages of the established practice of training doctors: choosing them from the factory school; sending them to the hospital doctor for studying; practical consolidation of acquired skills; sending the best students to the capital medical institutions. The conclusion is made about the identical processes of practical training of medical students and training in hospital schools of Russia in the XVIIIth century. The author emphasizes further study of the regional health system at the mining Kolywano-Voskresensk mining factories in the XVIII - early XXth century. Special consideration is given to further study of regional practices of medical students’ training in the XIXth century.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-05
Key words: Kolywano-Voskresensk factories, hospital school, factory school, medical personnel
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