4-1(88) 2015
I.V. Anisimova, Yu.A. Lysenko
The Introduction of Institution of Peasant Chiefs in the Steppe Region at the Beginning of the XXth Century and the Peculiarities of its Activity
The article analyzes the reforms of the management system the Steppe Region in early XXth century aimed at establishing in the steppe region the post of the peasant chief similar to those existing in the Siberian provinces of the Russian Empire. The institution of peasant chiefs in the Steppe region was directed at improving the management of the peasant and the Kazakh population in the region and integration of steppe regions into Russian Empire space. Peasant chiefs were supposed to monitor the collection of fees and the execution of duties by the local population, to collect the arrears, serve as a judge, to perform the duties of the police, be responsible for conducting sanitary and fire-prevention measures, etc. Several years after the establishment of the post activity, peasant chiefs were criticized by both the local population and the administration of the Steppe general-governorship. Peasant chiefs did not fulfill their duties, were not always consistent with their powers, and abused their power. There are objective factors that prevented the peasant chiefs from effectively performing their duties. These were, above all, huge territory under their jurisdiction areas, as well as the lack of coordination between the peasant chiefs and district authorities.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-02
Key words: administrative reform, the Steppe Region, peasant chiefs, management, the Kazakhs, the judicial system
Full text at PDF, 650Kb. Language: Russian. ANISIMOVA I.V.