A.P. Fomenko
The Problem of the Subject in Postmodern Philosophy: the Place of the Subject
This article is dedicated to the problem of the subject in postmodern philosophy. Postmodernism texts prove that French postmodern philosophers do not just declare the subject’s death, but also speculate about subject’s specific way of existence. Postmodernism philosophy reveals the tendency to describe the subject as having the space characteristics (such as “point” or “center), and the subject becomes and develops the features of the subject after taking a certain place. However, despite the fact that subject’s existence depends on subject’s place, the place is never in possession of subject and never belongs to him. The place never exists as possession. Hence the subject and its place are not in possession relations. The subject is searching for its place. To become a subject, the one is required not only to take its place, but to find and keep it. The place always needs looking for, and subject is always to take it.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-39
Key words: place, place of subject, “death of subject”, subject, postmodern philosophy
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