A.V. Sokolov
Internet-Based Technologies of Political Participation and Their Impact on the Off-Line Policy
One of the main reasons for the increased role of the Internet lies in the fact that, thanks to a huge audience, which includes many politically active people, it becomes a powerful electoral resource. Using the Internet by political actors can gain them either significant public support, or loss of the public trust. The article is concerned with the data of sociological surveys of the present-day Russia citizens’ and political actors’ political participation in the Internet. The data were obtained by interviewing experts from 4 regions and the mass survey of Internet users in 15 regions, who actively participate in political campaigns on the Internet. The research analyzes technology of organization and conducting political campaigns on the Internet. The process of initiating political campaigns is described. The author identifies the main instruments of political participation on the Internet. The article highlights the main forms of political participation on the Internet and the frequency of of their application. The study analyzes the channels of communication most often used for political participation on the Internet. The author reveals the influence of political campaigns in the Internet on off-line policies. The author has indicated that at the federal level, successful campaigns in the global network are often based on the promotion of an idea, and at the regional level, they are associated with political leaders and activists.
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2014)4.1-51
Key words: the Internet, political participation, political online campaign, channels of communication
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