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Izvestiya of Altai State
University Journal
The News of Altai State University

 Архив журнала «Известия АлтГУ», начиная с 2017 г., размещен на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru
 Актуальная информация о журнале размещена на новой версии сайта http://izvestiya.asu.ru

Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Table of Contents
Pedagogy and psychology
Philology and study of art
Philosophy, sociology and culture studies
About the Journal
Editorial board and Editorial advisory board
Regulations on reviewing research papers
Rules of the articles representation
Publication Ethics of the journal «Izvestiya of Altai State University»

A. N. Artemova

Creating of Program Works by Artists of Altai in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century Based on Local Periodicals

The article explains the concept of «software product», provides an overview of the subject of publications of local periodicals in the first half up to the mid-twentieth century. Their authors’ professions are identified as journalists, museum workers and artists. The article examines the reasons for publishing the most informative materials on the art life of the region. Particular attention is paid to the appearance in Altai in the second half of the twentieth century of the first critics, who had a great influence on the qualitative change of publications about the art life of the region. There are new genres of publications, such as creative portrait, interviews with artists. Professional activity of Altai historians resulted in creating classic works of Altai artists. The text of the article is supplied with the examples of publications about the classic works by G. F. Borunov, P. Mironov, M. D. Koveshnikova, I. S. Hayrulinov, N. P. Ivanov, A. Drilev and V. K. Shkil. The article is based on the materials taken from newspapers «Altaiskaya Pravda» and magazine «Kultura Barnaula».

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2014)2.1-37

Key words: classic works, artistic life, creative portrait, interviews with artists, the first critics of the Altai

Full text at PDF, 248Kb. Language: Russian.


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