S. S. Orlov
Scattered Light Intensity of Cloudless Atmosphere in Near-Infrared Spectrum
The possibility of an additional method development for calibrating observation data of daytime sky brightness in the near-infrared spectrum with acceptable accuracy and measurement errors is the question under consideration in this paper. An algorithm for solving the problem with an appropriate database is proposed. Radiative transfer equation is solved with a modified Monte Carlo method developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Optics. Detailed calculations of sky brightness in the near-infrared spectrum (1.02 microns) are performed. Impact of primary and multiple scattering, reflection of light from underlying surface on the total brightness of the sky are evaluated. Dependences of those effects on elongation of aerosol scattering indicatrix, aerosol optical depth, solar zenith angle, and scattering angle are investigated. Such analysis of atmospheric parameters and their impact on the total brightness of the sky can be considered as the basis for development of new methods for calibration of source data, albedo and particle sizes evaluation, and other practical problems of atmospheric physics. Key words
DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2014)1.1-49
Key words: brightness of sky , infrared spectrum, optical depth, albedo, multiple scattering
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