N.D. Ovcharenko, E.A. Kuchina
Age Features of the Macro-and Micromorphology of Female Deer#s Tail Gland
(Cervus Elaphus Sibiricus. Severzov, 1872)
The study examined age features of female deer#s tail gland in the winter. It is found that with age rise the mass of female deer#s tail gland increases due to the simulta#neous expansion of glandular and connective tissue. In due course, the depth of the bedding changes due to the increase of skin thickness. From the nucleus position and cell shape of the secretory epithelium one can assume that animals belong to studied age groups have functionally active glands in the winter time.
Key words: Cervus elaphus sibiricus, specific skin glands, caudal glands, histological structure, age differences.