I.E. Stas, B.P. Shipunov, L.Yu. Repeykova, O.P. Mikhaylova
The Influence of the Electromagnetic Field in the Radio-frequency Band on Pigment Sudan III Solubilization by Micelles of Sodium Dodecylsulfate and Cetylpyridinium Chloride in Aqueous Solutions
It is determined that CCM decreases and solubilization ability of pigment sudan III by micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and cetylpyridinium chloride increases as a result of the impact of high-frequency electromagnetic fields. The observed phenomena presumably associated with structural reorganization of the solvent, which promotes the #expulsion# of surfactants hydrocarbon radicals from the aqueous fluid and their association into the micellar aggregates.
Key words: solubilization, micelle formation, irradiation, electromagnetic field, surfactants, dodecyl sodium sulfate, cetylpyridinium chloride, light transmission.