Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1-2(73)  2012

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- V.A. Petrunin, D.V. Zagulyaev, S.V. Konovalov, V.E. Gromov, V.Ya. Tsellermaer
Physical Aspects of the Influence of Small Magnetic Fields on the Deformation Behavior of Al
In this article we discuss the physical mechanism of influence of a small magnetic field on the microhardness and the creep of the aluminium A85. Physically speaking the lowering of microhardness and the growth of creep velocity are explained by lowering barrier of deepening of the dislocation in paramagnetic impurities under magnetic field, and by growing length of the free path of the dislocation under magnetic field.
Key worlds: deployment, microhardness, creep, spin, singlet, triplet, speed, plasticity, warp, barrier, metal, anchoring, pair, substructure.