Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
3-1(71)  2011

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- M.S. Zhukovsky, I.A. Shmakov, L.V. Zatonskaya, S.V. Vazhenin, S.A. Beznosyuk
Computer Simulation of Femtosecond Processing of Perforated Nanographene Sheet
New theoretical representations of quantum nanodynamics, approaches and methods of computer modeling of femtosecond dissipation energy processes in non-equilibrium graphene nanosystems are offered. Kinetic, structural and morphological features of perforated nanographene under conditions of femtosecond processing are investigated by methods of computer simulation experiments.
Key words: nanographene, vacancies, dissipative structures, femtosecond processing, theory, computer simulation.