Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
1-1(69)  2011

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- A.N. Makrushina, S.V. Makarov, V.A. Plotnikov
Relaxation Processes in Thin Metal Films of Copper and Tin
The research analyzes relaxation processes in copper and tin films, and also in binary compositions Sn/Cu and Cu/Sn by measuring the dependence of electro-resistance on time. It is established that during exposing films at room temperature electro-resistance of copper thin-film samples grows, and in tin films decreases, in binary compositions Sn/Cu the electro-resistance decreases at the beginning, and then grows, while in binary composition Cu/Sn growth is observed from the moment of retention interval.
Key words: thin-film systems, mono-film, binary film, processes of relaxation, structural transformations, electro-resistance, processes of oxidation.