S.A. Kovalevsky
To a Question on an Origin of Irmenskaya Culture Subject Complex (on Materials of Burial Monuments in the South-Western Siberia)
Given article have an aim to reveal mechanisms how interacts the population of the Middle Yenisei region cultures (Karasukskaya and Lugavskaya), Kazakhstan and Kulunda (Begazy-Dandybaevskaya and Sargarinsko-Alekseevskaya) and forest-steppe population belong to Irmenskaya culture of the South-Western Siberia. The basic points of view on the given problems have been named. Basing on the analysis of a subject complex of Irmenskaya culture monuments settled in the South-Western Siberia, and also monuments in territories near by the author draws a conclusion that during the epoch of Late Bronze the researched territory played a role of a contact zone between Kazakhstan and Minusinsk cultural and historical centers.
Key words: Late Bronze epoch, Irmenskaya сultural-historical generality, Karasukskaya cultura, Lugavskaya cultura, Begazy-Dandybaevskaya cultura, Sargarinsko-Alekseevskaya cultura.