Print ISSN 1561-9443 On-line ISSN 1561-9451 |
4-4(64)  2009

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- M.A. Fateenko
The Problem of Siberian Primary School on the Pages of Regional Liberal Press (1907-1914)
The basic substantive components of the problem "Siberian primary school", which were presented basing on liberal ideas on the pages of regional periodicals in the beginning of the XXth century, are characterized in this article. It is determined that local liberal press elucidated the specificity of the problem critically. Paying readers' attention to the shortcomings of the primary school in the region, Siberia liberal periodicals, firstly, modeled their critical attitude to the policy of the authorities, secondly, motivated necessity of educational reforms. The main substantive components of the problem included such issues as: the level of literacy, lack of development of school system, financial policy, types of educational institutions, training of skilled pedagogical personnel.